Most banks charge a monthly fee to have a checking account. In most cases, this can total up to over $100 per year. Most credit unions don’t! Getting a free checking account can give you the peace of mind that you get to keep your hard-earned money to yourself.
Make sure you get all the benefits your free checking account has to offer.
The Five Benefits
1. Easy access to finances: Have you ever wanted to buy something, but just didn’t know if you had the money to spare in your account? With a free checking account, checking your balance on your phone can be done in seconds, allowing you to move on with the purchase.
2. Notifications: Security is very important in today’s world, and having notifications pop up when a large withdrawal has hit your account or when you have less than $100 in your account can keep you feeling secure that all your funds are where they should be.
3. Support with other sites: Some websites like Paypal or Amazon allow you to use your debit card for purchases, and by having your checking account linked to those sites you can safely and securely follow your money.
4. Overdraft protection: This feature ensures that you always have some money in your account by taking the extra money needed from a different account or your savings account to cover a purchase without any fees.
5. Digital document protection: Everything from receipts to checks can be uploaded online and easily accessed so you can manage your finances.
Just because you have a free checking account from your credit union doesn’t mean that you don’t get any conveniences with that account. Free checking accounts offer the same great conveniences and benefits as any other checking account that you have to pay a service charge for. That is peace of mind worth every cent.
Federally insured by NCUA and Equal Housing Lender
Make sure you get all the benefits your free checking account has to offer.
The Five Benefits
1. Easy access to finances: Have you ever wanted to buy something, but just didn’t know if you had the money to spare in your account? With a free checking account, checking your balance on your phone can be done in seconds, allowing you to move on with the purchase.
2. Notifications: Security is very important in today’s world, and having notifications pop up when a large withdrawal has hit your account or when you have less than $100 in your account can keep you feeling secure that all your funds are where they should be.
3. Support with other sites: Some websites like Paypal or Amazon allow you to use your debit card for purchases, and by having your checking account linked to those sites you can safely and securely follow your money.
4. Overdraft protection: This feature ensures that you always have some money in your account by taking the extra money needed from a different account or your savings account to cover a purchase without any fees.
5. Digital document protection: Everything from receipts to checks can be uploaded online and easily accessed so you can manage your finances.
Just because you have a free checking account from your credit union doesn’t mean that you don’t get any conveniences with that account. Free checking accounts offer the same great conveniences and benefits as any other checking account that you have to pay a service charge for. That is peace of mind worth every cent.
Federally insured by NCUA and Equal Housing Lender
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